Price Increases for Pokemon TCG Products in Japan

The Pokemon Company has confirmed that prices for pokemon tcg products in Japan will go up starting with the Scarlet and Violet era. This is to cover rising manufacturing and distribution costs although we don’t know if this means more and better holo card ratios in boosters for example as a specific reason for the price increases in booster packs. Prices for tcg products from the Sword and Shield era won’t change.

The chart below showcases updated prices on average. More and more people outside of Japan are into buying and collecting original Japanese pokemon tcg products so these changes should be taken into consideration. Price increases have already taken effect in Europe and North America so perhaps this only Japan catching up.

Japanese Pokemon

Booster Pack

Preconstructed Deck

Deck Sleeves

Deck Sleeves

Deck Box

Deck Box



Binder Album

Binder Page

Card Carrying Case

Card Frame

Acrylic Damage Counters

Current Prices
(SWSH Era)

165 yen

1,711 yen

792 yen

913 yen

398 yen

1,527 yen

2,750 yen

5,500 yen

1,705 yen

656 yen

1,466 yen

1,200 yen

605 yen

Upcoming Prices
(SCVI Era)

180 yen

1,800 yen

889 yen

990 yen

500 yen

1,600 yen

2,970 yen

5,940 yen

1,980 yen

700 yen

1,650 yen

1,490 yen

660 yen

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